1-The liver is the largest internal organ of the body
2-Word hepatic is associated with liver
3-Cells of liver are known as Hepatocytes
4-liver is made up of hexagonal structure called HEPATIC LOBUL
5-Each hepatic lobule is covered by covering called GLISON'S LOBULE
6-liver is the heaviest gland of the body
7-weight of liver is about 1.4 kg in an average adult
8-location of liver is inferior to diaphragm
9-Liver is devided into two principle lobes 1-right large lobe 2-smaller left lobe
these are devided by FALCIFORM LIGAMENT
10-Structural and functional unit of liver are hepatic lobule
11-Hepatocytes have ability to devide
12-The hepatic duct transfer bile out of the liver.The right and left hepatic ducts unite to form a single common  hepatic duct  is joined by the CYSTIC DUCT from the gall bladder to form thr COMMON BILE DUCT, which empties into the duodenum at the major duodenal papilla in the union with the pancreatic duct .I hope this rough sketch clear you about diffrent my next post i will tell you about bile
thanks for reeding
