The  word sacchride mean sugar. It is derived from greek word SACKHARON which mean sugar. Two monosacchride combine to form disacchride. Disacchrides are less sweet in taste and less soluble in water because 
                Sweetness and solublity is inversly proportional to no of sacchride unit
These can be hydrolyzed to give monosacchrides. Examples are: maltose, lactose, sucrose. The general formula of disacchride is C12H22O11.


It is commonly known as cane sugar. It occurs abundantly in sugarcane,sugarbeey,pineapple,sorghum,and all sweet fruits in considerable amount. It is widely use as sweetner at home for making sweet dishes. It is also called TRANSPORT DISACCHRIDE as prepared food in the plant is transported in the form of sucrose. It is unreactive chemical. Upon hydolysis it yeild a molecule of beta fructose and alpha glucose. Therefore glucose is formed by the condensation of glucose and fructose which are join togeather by alpha-1,2-glycosidic linkage


It is commonly known as malt sugar. It is an intermediate disacchride produce during the breakdown of starch and glycogen. It is also found in germinating seeds. In brewing industry the maltose is produced from the breakdown of barley starch by amylase enzyme. This process is known as MALTING. Upon hydrolysis it yeild  two molecule of alphaglucose mean it is formed by the condensation of alpha-glucose which are join togeather by alpha-1,4-glycosidic linkage


It is commonly known as milk sugar as it is found in the milk of mammals. In cow milk 4-6% and in human milk 5-8%. It is also a byproduct in the manufacture of cheese. Upon hydrolysis it yeillds a molecule of beta-galactose and a molecule of beta-glucos. It mean it is formed by the condensation of beta-galactose and beta-glucose which are join togeather by beta-1,4-glycosidic linkage
