* Mitochondria is cell organelle* It is present in eukaryotic cell not in prokaryote because it has double membrane and cytoplasm of prokaryotic cell donot contain membrane bound organelle
*Mitochondria are capable to devide themselvesin order to increase their number. They devide by fission
The number of mitochondria in cells is not constant. Some cells have single large mitochondrian, but more often a cell has hundred or even thousand of mitochondria; actually the number of mitochondria depend upon cell activity. The cell which is more active has large amount of mitochondria then inactive cell because mitochondria is POWER HOUSE OF CELL.
Mitochondria are cylinderical or rod shped structure. They are enclosed by double membrane, the outer membrane and inner membrane. Each membrane is a phospholipid bilayer with a unique collection of embedded protein. The outer membrane is smooth and contain special transport protein called PORINS. These are responsible for transport of molecule across the membrane. Porins allow free passage of molecules into the intermembrane space The inner membrane is semi-permeable and folds inward these folds called CRISTAE. These folds increase the surface area. The inner surface of cristae is furnished with granular structure called STALKED PARTICLE or FO-F1 PARTICE this is actually ATP SYNTHASE enzyme. The inner membrane devide the cytoplasm ino two internal compartments first is INTER MEMBRANE SPACE a narrow space between outer and inner membrane and MITOCHONDRAL MATRIX. Mitochondrial matrix is a jelly like material that contain all kind or RNA,ribosome, circular DNA and various enzymes. The presence of these compound indicate that mitochondria has it's own genetic system it mean that mitochondria make protein which they needFUNCTIONS:
1-Produce heat2-Store calcium
3-It convert ADP into ATP
4-Also involved in programmed cell death
5-Detoxification of amonia in liver
6-Mitochondria are the sites of cellular respiration
7-Enzymes in the matrix catalyze some of the steps of cellular respiration like KREB'S cycle
8-Several complexes found in inner mitochondrial membrane, which serve as electron carriers in electron transport chain
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