Locomotion is the displacment of whole body and movement mean displacment of body part. There are two types of movement
1-Muscular movement
2-Non-muscular movement
let think some examples of non-muscular movements
In muscular movement muscle are involve and in non-muscular movement muscles are not involved
Examples of Non-muscular movements are cytoplasmic streaming(movement of cytoplasm),movement of sperms by flagella mean flagellar movement, movement by pseudopodia and many more. Do you know in human body only sperms cell has flagella
There are three types of muscle
1-Cardiac muscle(involuntry,striated)
2-Smooth muscle(involuntry,non-striated)
3-Skeltal muscel(voluntry,striated)


They are present in heart wall(in myocardium thickest layer of heart wall)
They are striated and involuntry in action. The heart beats because of pacemaker(modified cardiac muscle fibres). Several harmones and neurotransmittors can adjust heart rate by speeding up or slowing the paceemaker. They are branched. They use fatty acid for energy. They dont fatigue.


They are located in the walls of hollow internal structuressuch as blood vessels,airwaysand most organ in the abdominopelvic cavity. As the name show they are smooth mean they dont have any striation. They are spindle in shape(spindle shape mean thickest in centre and thinner at sides). They contain single nuceus in the centre. They are involuntry in action.They contract relax in response of harmoneThey are of two types
1-Single unit smooth muscle
2-Multi-unit smooth muscle


As name show they are attached to bones by tendon. They are voluntry in action. They are striated. On observing muscle fibre in simple microscope we see alternating light and dark bends. diaphgram is also made up of skeltal muscle also known as phrenic muscle
